Tor sometimes signed with a tortoise
Tor in her twenties?

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Suffer little children ..., Clippesby
St Andrew & the Assumption, Little Glemham
Christchild, Quidenham (one of my favourites)
Crucifixion, Quidenham
St Edmund & St Felix, Earl Soham
St Anthony the Hermit, Hereford
Christmas theme with children, gallery, Hereford
East window, Hereford
Annunciation (detail), Hereford
Expulsion from Eden (detail), Hereford
St Anne (detail), Hereford
St Paul, Haggerston (bottom detail)
St Paul, Haggerston (centre detail)
St Margaret, Haggerston (detail)
St George, Munster Square
St Leonard, Munster Square (bottom detail)
Alexander Mackonockie, London Docks
Creation, Far Headingley, Leeds
Creation, Far Headingley, Leeds (left detail)
Creation, Far Headingley, Leeds (right detail)
Creation, Far Headingley, Leeds (centre-left detail)
Creation, Far Headingley, Leeds (centre-right detail)
Creation, Far Headingley, Leeds (centre detail)
East London (or originally there): windows from St Augustine's Haggerston: St Paul, St Margaret at St Saviour Priory, Haggerston; St George, St Leonard at St Mary Magdalene, Munster Square + a roundel from St Peter's, London Docks IM Alexander Mackonockie
Leeds - St Chad's, Far Headingley: site of Tor's greatest window and her first large commission: The Creation, 1923: whole window plus details of: left, right, centre and left, centre right and centre
"Praise Thee", Bromley (detail)
East window, Bromley
Holy Sacraments (detail: Matrimony),  Bolney
Holy Sacraments (detail: Baptism),  Bolney
Bishop Otter?, UCC, Chichester
 St Francis, UCC, Chichester
South of London and Sussex: SS Peter & Paul, Bromley - North transept (Te Deum window) and the East window; St Mary Magdalene, Bolney - details from Holy Sacraments memorial window; University College, Chichester, old chapel - windows of Bishop Otter?, St Francis
All Saints, Hereford: accessible and central in the city, containing 6 good windows by Tor.
St Anthony the Hermit (1947), Christmas theme with children (1944), 5 light east window and details from lady chapel: expulsion from Eden, the Annunciation (1933)

Photographs of the windows of
Margaret Edith Rope (1)

Click on a thumbnail to view
(all photos copyright © Arthur Rope, unless otherwise stated)

Christ, disciples & John the Baptist, Barnby
Down the years in Norfolk & Suffolk: first commission at Clippesby, Nfk (1919) ; one at Little Glemham, Sfk, (1929); two at Quidenham monastery, Nfk, (1940s?), designed by Marga; east window at Barnby (1963); and one of her last, Earl Soham, Sfk (1967)


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